Medical Services
The department provides Basic Life Support (BLS) services for immediate life threatening emergencies. Our staff is highly trained in providing emergency medical services that include Automatic External Defibrillation (AED) and starting Intravenous Fluids (IVs) in the field. The Advanced Life Support (ALS) response unit is Platte Valley Ambulance with an ambulance located at Fort Lupton at Fire Station 1. There is always a Paramedic and an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) on each ambulance. They transport patients to the nearest appropriate hospital for diagnosis and treatment. When Banner Ambulance Service is not available then Banner Ambulance Service and Frederick-Firestone Fire Protection District Ambulance will provide backup ALS services. Two helicopter transport agencies provide air transport they are Air Life Denver and North Colorado Med Evac. Med Evac day bases at Fire Station 2 at least one day per week.