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Records Request 

The Fort Lupton Fire Protection District will make public records available upon request during normal business hours in accordance with the Colorado Open Records Act per §24-72-203 C.R.S.


All requests for public records shall be made in writing. Any record requested may be denied, if after consultation with the District's legal counsel, the document is deemed protected, privileged or prohibited from disclousre. 

The District will make resonable efforts to accommodate all written requestes within three business days, unless extenuating circumstances exist as defined per §24-72-203 C.R.S.

Fees / Charges for Requested Records

Copies / Printouts$       .25 Per standard Page
Research and Retrieval Fee                                                          First Hour provided free of charge$ 30.00 Per hour/ Per Person                                                                                         
CD  / USB Drive                                                                                    Cannot be provided by requestor$10.00 Each
Reproduction of Published Materials$ Actual Cost
Shipping$ Actual Cost
All fees and charges are subject to change

 Complete the following form to submit a records request. 

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