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Programs For Kids

Fire Prevention Week 

Usually in the first two weeks of October of each year, the Fire Marshal will deliver a fire safety messages to the second grade classes from Twombly and Butler elementary schools. The fire education class includes viewing a video, demonstration of fire equipment from firefighters, and to learn how to crawl low in smoke at the smoke house. The students will learn how to be fire safe at home and Freddie the Fire Truck will talk to the students about fire safety. Each student will receive a plastic fire helmet and materials to take home to go over fire safe habits at home. We also have an inflatable fire safety house to educate children about fire safety in the home.

We conduct additional classes at each elementary school for third and fourth grade students.

School District Safety Classes 

We conduct fire evacuation and tornado drills throughout the year at all schools.

We present fire prevention programs to any class when requested during the school year.

We conduct school bus safety classes at the beginning of school year for all school bus drivers.

Juvenile Fire Starter Program 

We conduct juvenile fire setter risk surveys for court-ordered fire setters and their families. Please Call 303-857-4603 for more information

Child Safety Seat Inspections 

We provide free car seat inspections and assist with installations. Car seats are provided to those families in need for a small donation. Call 303-857-4603 for an appointment with a Certified Car Seat Technician.

Safe Playground Equipment 

We work with Safe Kids Colorado Coalition on safe playground equipment grants for the community.



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